Stampa questa pagina


In italiano

Milton Trager - Cathy Hammond (1997) Mentastica, il metodo Trager, Como, Red Edizioni

Mauro Semenzato (2010) Gestalt counseling e Approccio Trager, Torino, Seneca Edizioni


In inglese

Deane Juhan (2003) Job’s Body: A Handobook For Bodywork (3rd edition), New York, Station Hill of Barrytown

Jack Liskin (1996) Moving Medicine, the life and work of Milton Trager, New York, Station Hill of Barrytown

Audrey Mairi (2006) Trager for Self-Healing, Novato CA, New World Library


 In francese

Maurice Kriegel (1999) Le Chemin de la Sensation, Barret-le-Bas, Le Souffle d’Or èditions.

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